Moonbeam Room

This is the base for our 2-3 year olds learning activities. We fully support toileting in this room and once children are able to manage toileting themselves we have low level toilets and sinks to support their independence.

Children are developing their own interests in here and begin to join in with planning their own activities. Children in this age group will be developing special friendships and learn to respond to others feelings. We have free flow play and introduce a lot more mathematic and literacy games and activities. We have a story corner where children can sit quietly and look at books together or on their own.

The children enjoy the home corner too with lots of real foods to play with. We have dressing up clothes to enjoy role playing different jobs in the community and learning about different cultures. We do peg puzzles, insert puzzles and puzzles with pieces. Our interactive telephones and recording devices are a lot of fun at this age and aids development within communication and language skills. We enjoy singing, dancing and movement with a variety of instruments and dance equipment too.

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